Advanced Practice Palliative Nursing

Advanced Practice Palliative Nursing
2nd Ed.
2023 © Oxford University Press
Patrick J. Coyne; Constance Dahlin
ISBN-13: 978-0-19-755932-1
eISBN-13: 978-0-19-755933-8
Nursing, Oncology


Like the first edition, this is a seminal textbook for the advanced practice nursing care of the seriously ill and dying. This comprehensive work addresses all aspects of palliative care including physical, psychological, social, and spiritual needs. It brings to the forefront current issues of health equity, managing through crisis, and meeting the needs of diverse populations. Each chapter contains case examples and a strong evidence base to support the highest quality of care. The text is written by leaders in the field and includes authors who have pioneered the role of the advanced practice nurse in palliative care. This volume offers advanced practice content and practical resources for clinical practice across all settings of care and encompassing all ages, from pediatrics to geriatrics.

This newly revised edition has been reorganized to meet the needs of the APRN according to role delineation and practice issues. It offers foundation information on leadership, practice, and the various roles of the APRN as an administrator, educator, policy advocate, and researcher. The various settings of APRN work includes acute care settings (clinical care unit, intensive care unit, and emergency department), clinic (specialty care, primary care, and palliative care), community, rehabilitation, residential facilities, and telehealth. This edition also gives particular attention to special populations, including chapters on health disparities, economic disadvantages for urban dwellers, members of the LGBTQ+ community, Veterans, and Survivorship. There are sections wholly devoted to pediatric care, end of life communication, and the ethics APRNs must navigate on a daily basis. Written by current APRNs for fellow APRNs, this text provides practical resources for clinical practice across a variety of topics.

  • • Provides practical resources for clinical practice across all settings from pediatrics to geriatrics
  • • Reflects the current environment of full scope of practice, diversity, and managing through crises
  • • All references are current and reflect nursing as well as other disciplines

New to this Edition:

  • • All chapters updated to reflect the full scope of the current environment and to contribute to the practices of the highest quality of care
  • • Gives particular attention to special populations, including chapters on health disparities, economically disadvantaged urban dwellers, LGBTQ+, Veterans, and Survivorship
  • • New chapters focused on prison care, assisted death, telehealth, administration, research, education, and policy and finance

Doody's Reviews

Doody's Core Titles (DCT)
Specialty Score: 2.33 Nursing - Hospice
Go to Doody's Review page

Quotes, Reviews or Testimonials

"This is a long overdue and much needed book. The editors and authors have done an outstanding job identifying past, present, and future contributions of advanced practice nurses in palliative care. In addition to covering topics such as history and role, the book is an excellent reference for addressing the role of the advanced practice palliative care nurse as it relates to the National Consensus Project for Quality Palliative Care - Clinical Practice Guidelines. This is a must-have for all advanced practice nurses addressing palliative care issues, regardless of their practice setting."

-- Darrell Owens, DNP, MSN, MS (University of Washington Medicine) Doody's Review - previous edition


This is intended for graduate nursing students, practicing palliative care APRNs, and graduate-prepared advanced practice nurses interested in palliative care, but who work in nonclinical settings such as research, academia, and administration. The book serves as a much needed resource for a broad audience of advanced practice nurses. The editors, as well as many of the authors, are national and international experts in the field of palliative care.

Table of Contents

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