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    Sickness in Health: Bullying in Nursing and other Health Professions

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    Title Details

    1st Ed.

    Brenda Happell

    ISBN-13: 978-3-031-49335-5

    eISBN-13: 978-3-031-49336-2

    Nursing, Healthcare Administration

    Additional Details


    This book informs students and practitioners of the health professions about workplace bullying and how to recognize it. The health professions have among the highest rates of bullying of any occupational group. This book shines a light on bullying and its very real human consequences for health professionals. Statistics about bullying in health present a disturbing picture. However, they don't convey the human impact on people who only want to do good for others.

    The author begins by telling how her experiences spurred her to write this book and then introduces the champions, twelve health professionals who contributed their stories. The book starts with the champions' decision to become a health professional, and then describes their bullying experiences, the impact on almost every aspect of their lives and careers, and how they tried to resolve or deal with the bullying. Some were still dealing with bullying, and all felt they had been forever changed by their experiences.

    The stories show that bullying is much more than the actions of a few, it is deeply embedded in the culture of institutions responsible for providing quality health care. Better preparation for leadership positions and independent processes for reporting unacceptable behaviors and actions are two suggestions for tackling bullying and its consequences. This book shows the necessity to expose these appalling behaviors and their human costs in order to address workplace bullying and create a healthy and safe environment for everyone in healthcare.

    This volume is aimed at undergraduate and postgraduate students, and practitioners of nursing and other health professions, the general public and other stakeholders of health services. It will enhance their understanding of, ability to recognize, and strategies to cope with, workplace bullying.

    Table of Contents

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