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    Clinical Nursing Calculations

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    Title Details

    3rd Ed.

    Susan Sienkiewicz, MA, RN; Sandra Megerdichian, MS, RN

    ISBN-13: 978-1-284-28799-8

    eISBN-13: 978-1-284-28805-6

    Nursing, Pharmacy/Pharmacology

    Additional Details

    Doody's Reviews

    Accurate dosage calculation is essential for all nurses to master. It is crucial to equip students with the right tools to build a strong foundation and establish lifelong confidence in calculation and maintaining patient safety. The updated Clinical Nursing Calculations, Third Edition empowers students with the confidence and skills to safely calculate the right medication dosage to their patients. Drawing from their extensive experience across the continuum of care, the authors employ the CASE approach (Convert, Approximate, Solve, Evaluate) for performing dosage calculations while presenting side-by-side comparisons of all three methods of calculation. This systematic step-by-step approach accounts for students' different learning styles, whether they prefer to utilize the Ratio-Proportion, Formula Method, or Dimensional Analysis method of calculation.

    The updated Third Edition features expanded content on nutrition and insulin pen calculations, a focus on legal implications of medication administration, exercises targeting safe practice with high-alert medications, examples given in eMar and electronic health record format, and new videos that demonstrate clinical calculation skills. Realistic dosages, practical clinical application, chapter case studies, a step-by-step approach, and interactive learning tools make Clinical Nursing Calculations, Third Edition a perfect resource for all pre-licensure nursing students.

    Features and Benefits

    • • New feature titled Illuminations: Clinical Judgment Queries, presents a set of rigorous NCLEX-style questions that promote critical thinking to prepare students for the Next Generation NCLEX.
    • • New reference, Illuminations: Calculations Quick Guide, was added to the end of the book as a concise reference of key math skills covered throughout the text. It includes metric conversions, basic dosage calculations, safe dosage determination, and more.
    • • Information on safe medication administration was updated to align with current regulations, guidelines, and competencies for safe medication administration from the CDC, The Joint Commission, National Patient Safety Goals, and QSEN.
    • • Each chapter opens and closes with a case study that draws from real-life scenarios students could encounter in clinical practice.

    Table of Contents

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