Medical Terminology Systems: A Body Systems Approach

Title Details
8th Ed.
2023 © F. A. Davis Company
Mary Ellen Wedding MEd, MT(ASCP), CMA (AAMA), CPC (AAPC); Barbara A. Gylys MEd, CMA-A (AAMA)
ISBN-13: 978-1-7196-4889-9
eISBN-13: 978-1-7196-4983-4
Anatomy, Nursing, Basic Sciences
Additional Details
Body system by body system, an innovative word-building approach covers each word one by one, introducing the word elements first—roots, combining forms, suffixes, and prefixes—to enable students to easily decipher medical terminology.
- • Full-color illustrations and a streamlined layout guide progress through the text step by step.
- • A reading level, appropriate for all learners, makes concepts crystal clear.
- • "Connecting Body Systems” tables identify the interrelationships of each body system to provide a thorough understanding of each system.
- • Coverage features all aspects of health care, including A and P and pathology, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, and documentation.
- • Every body system chapter includes complete medical records, word-building activities, and key terms to develop critical-thinking skills.
Table of Contents
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