Introduction to Healthcare Informatics

Introduction to Healthcare Informatics
3rd Ed.
Copyright ©2023 by the American Health Information Management Association.
Leming Zhou, PhD, DSc; Lesley Clack, ScD, MS
ISBN-13: 978-1-58426-878-9
eISBN-13: 978-1-58426-879-6
Healthcare Informatics, Allied Health, Basic Sciences, Healthcare Administration, Physician Assistant


Introduction to Healthcare Informatics brings together healthcare-generated information with technology for the purpose of improving quality of care in a cost-effective manner. Written by industry experts, this new edition of Introduction to Healthcare Informatics provides a comprehensive overview of key concepts that are vital to healthcare informatics and how they affect the industry as a whole. Newly organized chapters contain fundamental information on electronic health records (EHRs), ethics, data and information, privacy and security, research, and future trends in the field of healthcare informatics.

Key Features

  • • New chapter organization to aid in student comprehension
  • • New case studies from real world examples in each chapter
  • • In-depth analysis of data types, standards, data quality, and the interpretation and display of information
  • • Healthcare legal issues are explored, such as HIPAA and legal EHRs

Doody's Reviews

Score: 84/100
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Quotes, Reviews or Testimonials

"This book provides a reasonable introduction to the field of healthcare informatics for new health information professionals. This update is justified to capture the rapid evolution in this area, and statistics and references appear appropriately updated."

-- David Liebovitz, MD (University of Chicago Medicine)Doody's Review


The audience is health information professionals.

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