Public Health Administration: Principles for Population-Based Management

Public Health Administration: Principles for Population-Based Management
4th Ed.
2021 © Jones & Bartlett Learning
Leiyu Shi DRPH, MBA, MPA; James A. Johnson PhD, MPA, MSc
ISBN-13: 978-1-284-19550-7
eISBN-13: 978-1-284-19552-1
Public Health, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


Under the direction of lead editors, Leiyu Shi and James A. Johnson, the fourth edition of Public Health Administration: Principles for Population-Based Management examines the many events, advances, and challenges - including the COVID-19 pandemic - in the United States and the world since the publication of the prior edition.

With contributions from experts in areas ranging from workforce to community-based prevention to emergency preparedness, this timely and thorough revision offers detailed, comprehensive coverage of current, relevant issues for students as well as practicing public health administrators. This edition also addresses new perspectives of evidence-based public health, systems thinking, accountable care organizations, social entrepreneurship, integrated information management, disaster preparedness and response, and social media.

Features and Benefits

  • • Coverage of COVID-19 in select chapters (1, 4, and 27)
  • • New chapter on Systems Thinking for Public Health
  • • Streamlined chapters feature the addition of chapter objectives, numerous graphics, practitioners’ interviews, and chapter discussion questions.
  • • Enhanced and expanded coverage on public health information, evaluation, and preparedness.
  • • Exploration of new perspectives in the field through the lens of the CEPH competencies, including evidence-based public health; systems thinking; as well as accountable care organizations; social entrepreneurship.

Doody's Reviews

Score: 89/100
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Quotes, Reviews or Testimonials

"The book is excellent, both as a reference and a teaching tool. This edition is especially relevant given the current pandemic. Resources, time, attention, and public interest are currently focused on the pandemic, while issues of public health concern that have been with us for decades continue to impact individuals, families, communities, and society as a whole. Public health professionals and healthcare providers are also significantly impacted in unfathomable ways. Reference and use of this book will help keep us grounded and focused on the long-term and larger picture of public health. It will support us as we maintain our vigilance, advocacy, and scholarship on these issues that might otherwise get lost in the current political and citizenry focus on the pandemic."

-- Anna Helm, BS, MPH (Multnomah County) Doody's Review

"This book provides an excellent conceptual framework for contemporary public health practice while contributing to a broad understanding, for managers and leaders, of the public health enterprise. A historical context and a flow of logic are presented using the language of current public health reforms."

-- Richard Sewell, MPH (University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health) Doody's Review - previous edition


It is difficult to overestimate the value of the book to students of public health. Administrators, managers, and leaders in the field will all find a wealth of valuable and insightful information, suggestions, and recommendations. Essentially, every current public health topic is addressed and, when coupled with the extensive bibliographies and references, it takes on the authority of a bible for the study and practice of public health.

Table of Contents

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