Compounding Sterile Preparations

Compounding Sterile Preparations
5th Ed.
© 2024, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc.
Angela W. Yaniv, PharmD, BCSCP; Lindsey B. Amerine, PharmD, MS, BCPS, CPEL, FASHP; Ryan A. Forrey, PharmD, MS, BCSCP, FFIP, FASHP
ISBN-13: 978-1-58528-648-5
eISBN-13: 978-1-58528-649-2


The essential sterile compounding reference every pharmacist needs—now with important updates. From its inception, this reference has served as both a professional reference guide for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians and a student textbook covering the regulation, technique, and quality assurance of compounding sterile preparations.

The fifth edition of Compounding Sterile Preparations by Ryan A. Forrey, Lindsey B. Amerine and Angela W. Yaniv reflects the latest advancements in the field, providing you with an indispensable resource to navigate the complex landscape of sterile compounding.

New in this Edition

  • • Updated Standards: All chapters have undergone extensive revisions to align with the most recent literature and the revised USP <797> standards.
  • • USP Chapter <825>: Now includes information on radiopharmaceutical compounding in USP Chapter <825>.
  • • Expanded Knowledge Base: Two brand-new chapters covering;
          o Allergenic Extracts
          o Corrective and Preventative Action (CAPA) Plans
  • • Enhanced Content: Several chapters have been expanded to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of critical topics:
          o Establishing Beyond Use Dates
          o Receipt, Storage, Movement and Disposal of Compounded Sterile Preparation Components and Finished Preparations in the Pharmacy
          o Secondary Engineering Controls and Cleanroom Design
          o Point of Care Compounding and Preparation for Administration
          o Biologicals, Biosimilars, and Vaccines
          o Handling and Compounding of Hazardous Drugs

Doody's Reviews

Score: 97/100
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Quotes, Reviews or Testimonials

"This book is of high quality and useful to pharmacists and technicians. There are few books about compounding in the pharmacy literature that are this comprehensive and readable.[sic] ...this text is analogous to a complete compounding program. As a general book about sterile compounding, this is an excellent start. As many changes have occurred in the last five to ten years to healthcare in general and specifically areas of sterile products, this edition is justified, coming seven years after the previous one."

-- Lawrence Carey, BS, PharmD (Temple University School of Pharmacy) Doody's Review

"With an additional six chapters, this fourth edition of a well-referenced book presents pertinent guidelines and information from a variety of sources on sterile compounding practice."

-- Rahmat Talukder, PhD, RPh (The University of Texas at Tyler) Doody's Review - previous version

"This an excellent book to have on hand in any operational IV room and a definite must have for any pharmacy that is preparing to open a USP 797 compliant IV room. This third edition is needed now that the final revision of USP 797 guidelines has been published."

-- Nancy Makem, Pharm D (Nazareth Hospital) Doody's Review previous version

"This is a perfect addition to any hospital pharmacy library or medical center's library. A great book."

-- Laila Elkadi, BSc Pharm, MBA (Temple University Health System - Northeastern Hospital) - previous version


The book is written for pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and students. Anyone working in compounding facilities, hospital IV rooms, or home infusion agencies would indeed benefit. While the authors do not list specific subgroups, I agree that any pharmacist or technician in any venue of practice would find this text immensely helpful. This book meets the needs of all those intended audiences. Moreover, the authors, contributors, and reviewers of the text are well-known in the areas of hospital pharmacy as well as in sterile compounding, and some are internationally renowned based on what they have published and contributed to the body of work within sterile compounding.

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