Management and Leadership for Nurse Administrators

Management and Leadership for Nurse Administrators
9th Ed.
2023 © Jones & Bartlett Learning
Patricia L. Thomas, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, ACNS-BC, CNL, FAAN, FNAP, FACHE; James L. Harris, PhD, APRN-BC, MBA, CNL, FAAN; Linda A. Roussel, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, CNL, FAAN
ISBN-13: 978-1-284-24928-6
Healthcare Administration, Nursing


To succeed as leaders of a diverse, multigenerational workforce, nurse managers and executives need to have both traditional management skills and a contemporary, creative mindset. Management and Leadership for Nurse Administrators continues to offer a comprehensive overview of key management and administrative concepts for leading modern healthcare organizations and ensuring patient safety and quality care in a thoughtfully updated ninth edition. With this text, students will be prepared to lead a workplace that is rapidly evolving due to technology, culture, and changes in the U.S. healthcare system.

The Ninth Edition features a new Introduction with a review of the current trends and patterns in nursing leadership, along with expanded discussions of translational science focused on implementation and dissemination, workforce well-being, resiliency, work-life balance, healthy work environments, and more timely topics. With this resource, students will have the foundational management and leadership concepts and the business theory knowledge to develop and advance their leadership capacity.

Features and Benefits

  • • Chapters are mapped to AONL key competencies for clear alignment with current nursing leadership expectations.
  • • Content is mapped to key domains in the latest AACN competencies.
  • • Features TWO NEW chapters that cover data management and analysis, and disaster preparedness and crisis management.
  • • Reflective questions and case studies with discussion questions in each chapter help students apply concepts to real-world scenarios.
  • • Combines practical tools for budgeting and data analysis with key leadership and business theories to support current nurse leader needs.

Quotes, Reviews or Testimonials

"This is a wonderful book, very detailed and thorough. The sections are clear and delineate practical applications for improvement of nursing leadership areas. There are many case studies and thought-provoking questions. The sections on future considerations and polarity thinking are very innovative. In all, this is a very worthwhile and necessary book for anyone interested in nursing leadership."

-- Cynthia Cummings, EdD, RN, CHSE, CNE (University of North Florida Brooks College of Health) Doody's Review - previous edition


Written for all nurses, nurse leaders, and students interested in understanding leadership and management in healthcare. The book is suitable as an introductory course on nursing leadership at the graduate or upper level baccalaureate programs. It also is an excellent resource for staff and faculty.

Table of Contents

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