Quality and Performance Improvement in Healthcare: Theory, Practice, and Management

Quality and Performance Improvement in Healthcare: Theory, Practice, and Management
7th Ed.
2019 © AHIMA Press
Patricia L. Shaw, EdD, RHIA, FAHIMA; Darcy Carter, MHA, RHIA
ISBN-13: 978-1-58426-663-1
Patient Safety and Quality Improvement , Basic Sciences, Healthcare Administration


Quality and Performance Improvement in Healthcare: Theory, Practice, and Management covers trends in healthcare quality control and performance.

It presents a comprehensive introduction to the theory, practice, and management of performance and quality improvement processes in healthcare organizations.

Key Features

  • • New Check Your Understanding questions in each chapter
  • • Covers current CAHIIM accreditation standards and maps chapter content to the curriculum
  • • Each chapter reinforces understanding of performance improvement concepts and issues with case studies and real-life examples
  • • Student projects range from designing specific improvement projects to ongoing quality monitoring and managing quality improvement programs and staff

Doody's Reviews

Doody's Core Titles (DCT)
Essential Purchase Title (EPT)
Score: 88/100
3/5 Stars
Specialty Score: 2.47 Health Sciences - Quality Improvement
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Quotes, Reviews or Testimonials

"As an experienced quality professional in my organization, I can honestly say that I enjoyed reading this book. It can be appreciated through the lens of a new student preparing for a career in healthcare as well as by an experienced professional. The book is more than a task-oriented presentation and "how to" book. It combines theory, model, tools, and practical application. The seventh edition is justified since the last edition was published in 2015 and healthcare quality is a rapidly evolving environment."

-- Joann Badget, DNP (c), RN (James A. Haley Veterans' Hospital) Doody's Review

"The quality of this book is superb. It is thorough and perfect for students."

-- Jessica Ferraro, MHA (James A. Haley Veterans' Hospital)Doody's Review - Previous edition


The authors state in the preface that students who use the tools and methods in this book could be light years ahead of others. The book is easy to follow and understand, evolving at a reasonable pace for students.

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