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    Infection Prevention and Control in Nonacute Care Settings

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    Title Details

    1st Ed.

    Joint Commission Resources

    ISBN-13: 978-1-63585-215-8

    eISBN-13: 978-1-63585-216-5

    Patient Safety and Quality Improvement , Infectious Diseases

    Additional Details

    Doody's Reviews

    As many nonacute care organizations are all too aware, resources dedicated solely to their settings are limited. Individuals designated with infection prevention and control in nonacute care settings have had to pick their way through articles and online resources to find content appropriate for their settings or they have had to extrapolate appropriate information from resources mainly dedicated to IPC in hospitals. That’s where Infection Prevention and Control in Nonacute Care Settings comes in.

    This book is geared specifically to address IPC challenges in ambulatory care, assisted living, behavioral health care and human services, home care, office-based surgery, and nursing care centers. It outlines Joint Commission infection prevention and control requirements for nonacute care settings and focuses on where these organizations struggle, providing timely, accessible solutions. It’s your source of answers for all things infection prevention and control outside the hospital setting.

    This book goes through The Joint Commission's IPC requirements, explaining and illustrating key concepts such as developing a robust IPC program; identifying and assessing IPC risks in your nonacute care setting; mitigating those risks; cleaning, disinfecting, and sterilizing medical equipment and other tools; and handling infectious disease emergencies. It includes strategies and tools applicable to nonacute care settings. The book concludes with a handy full-text crosswalk of all Joint Commission infection prevention and control requirements across health care settings, showing which apply to the various nonacute care settings compared to hospitals.

    Table of Contents

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