ECMO in the Adult Patient

ECMO in the Adult Patient
1st Ed.
2017 © Cambridge University Press
Jo-anne Fowles, RGN; Giles Peek, MD, FRCS CTh, FFICM; Alain Vuylsteke, BSc, MA, MD, FRCA, FFICM; Daniel Brodie, MD; Alain Combes, MD, PhD
ISBN-13: 978-1-107-68124-8
eISBN-13: 978-1-316-88986-2
Critical Care, Nursing, Respiratory, Respiratory Therapy


Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is developing rapidly and is now part of the toolkit for the management of all patients with severe respiratory or cardiac failure. Clinicians of all disciplines need a simple manual, easy and fun to read, that will take them through the management of these patients, explaining the principles of safe and successful practice. Part of the Core Critical Care series, this book is an easy-to-read guide for the aspiring ECMO clinician. Doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, dieticians, pharmacists, and all other key members of the team will learn the basics required to better understand the technology and care of the patient. The experienced clinician will enjoy reading through the chapters, which present structured thoughts and knowledge acquired through clinical experience.

  • • Covers the basics of ECMO required to better understand the technology and care of the patient.
  • • Presents structured thoughts and knowledge acquired through bedside experience.
  • • Explains the principles of safe and successful practice to ensure the best possible patient care.

Doody's Reviews

Score: 90/100
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Quotes, Reviews or Testimonials

"This is that essential, well-written, quick read necessary for physicians or allied health providers called upon to participate in the care of a patient requiring this type of organ system support. The excellent writing style and effective use of illustrations and tables are highlights."

-- David Dries, MD (University of Minnesota Medical School) Doody's Review


Providers at any level requiring an introduction to this form of organ system support will appreciate this relatively brief book produced by authorities based in France and the U.K.

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