Respiratory Critical Care

Title Details
1st Ed.
2021 © Jones & Bartlett Learning
Jonathan Waugh, PhD, RRT, RPFT, FAARC; Ruben Restrepo, MD, RRT, FAARC, FCCP; David W. Chang, EdD, RRT; Gary White, MEd, RRT, RPFT
ISBN-13: 978-1-284-17750-3
eISBN-13: 978-1-284-20217-5
Respiratory Therapy, Critical Care, Respiratory, Allied Health
Additional Details
Respiratory Critical Care is the definitive resource for both students and professionals in the field. The scope of material makes the book a stand-alone reference: while most volumes on the subject limit their coverage to mechanical ventilation, this text segues from mechanical ventilation into respiratory critical care, and concludes with clinical practice guidelines. The strategic sequencing of concepts ensures that each chapter prepares the reader for a more effective understanding of the next.
This exciting new textbook draws on the combined experience of its contributing authors, all seasoned faculty members at CoARC-accredited Respiratory Therapy programs, to focus on the clinical application of critical care in a wide variety of contexts. Procedure, pharmacotherapy, life support, and medical and traumatic critical care issues are all addressed in-depth in dedicated chapters—content you won't find in any other single source—and case studies illustrate each concept with empirical evidence.
As a brand-new resource, Respiratory Critical Care boasts a uniquely up-to-date perspective. The authors apply their practiced expertise to discussions of current trends and recent innovations to present a compendium unrivaled in the field. By integrating assessment, theory, and practice, they have created an excellent tool to prepare for both the NBRC Adult Critical Care exam and growth in the career that follows.
- • Every chapters concludes with a Case Study to help the reader review and put into practice what they have learned
- • A robust and detailed art design with diagrams and photos demonstrating a variety of complex concepts
- • Each chapter of the book begins with a list of Learning Objectives to help you focus on the most important concepts in that chapter
This book is primarily written for students in respiratory care programs and also for practitioners who are studying for the Adult Critical Care Specialty (ACCS) credentialing exam. The book meets the need of both objectives, and the authors are unquestionably experts in respiratory care, having published many textbooks and research.
Doody's Core Titles (DCT)
Doody's Review
"This is an excellent book for any respiratory care program. It will prove to be a valuable resource for ACCS exam prep and a terrific resource for practicing respiratory therapists as well. As this is the first edition, it is hoped the authors continue to revise as practice standards continue to evolve. Well done!"
-- Steven Hamick, AAS, BIS (William Beaumont Hospitals) Doody's Review
Score: 97/100
Specialty Score: 2.2 Health Sciences - Respiratory Therapy
Stars: 5

Table of Contents
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