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    Health Behavior Change and Treatment Adherence

    Evidence-based Guidelines for Improving Healthcare

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    Title Details

    2nd Ed.

    Robin DiMatteo; Leslie Martin; Kelly Haskard-Zolnierek

    ISBN-13: 978-0-19-777858-6

    eISBN-13: 978-0-19-777860-9

    Public Health, Health Education, Social Work

    Additional Details

    Doody's Reviews

    Each year, in more than a billion U.S. medical visits, health professionals offer disease prevention and treatment recommendations, but close to half of these are not followed. This book provides the latest theory-driven and evidence-based recommendations for addressing persistent barriers to treatment adherence within a social-ecological framework.

    Written for a wide variety of practitioners, the numerous cases and clinical examples illustrate important practice principles. Each chapter includes tools for instruction and self-study (including learning objectives, a summary, review questions, prompts for discussion and further study, and suggested reading), making it an ideal text for clinical health-science courses. With strong evidence base and a readable style, this book is for practitioners and students in medicine, public health, nursing, health education, health coaching, allied health, dentistry, clinical and health psychology, counseling, and social work. It is also for anyone who wishes to take an active role in their own health or help others to do so.


    • • Examines many new research developments in medicine, public health, and psychological science
    • • Applies theoretical concepts, models, and extensive review of the research literature on health behavior change and adherence to real-world, challenging health problems
    • • Includes many cases and clinical examples to illustrate important practice principles

    New to this Edition:

    • • Includes recent developments in the science of habit formation and maintenance; the role of technology in medicine, psychology, and behavior change; social media; digital health; artificial intelligence in medicine; social determinants of health; socioeconomic and racial disparities in medical care; environmental determinants of health maintenance and disease management; integrated health systems; COVID-19; pandemics; and public health policy
    • • Each chapter provides tools for instruction and self-study for use as a text in the health sciences

    Table of Contents

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