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    Evidence-Based Dermatology

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    Title Details

    3rd Ed.

    Hywel C. Williams DSc, FRCP

    ISBN-13: 978-1-118-35767-5

    Dermatology, Evidence Based Medicine, Physician Assistant

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    Doody's Reviews

    Be sure your skin-care treatments have strong evidential support

    Evidence-based Dermatology, Third Edition takes a unique approach to clinical dermatology by emphasizing use of only the highest quality available evidence when treating people with skin diseases.
    Beginning with a toolbox introduction to the practice of evidence-based dermatology, it then covers the application of evidence for dermatological treatments across a wide range of ailments, including:

    • • Common inflammatory skin diseases
    • • Skin cancer, moles and actinic keratoses
    • • Infective skin disease, exanthems and infestations
    • • Disorders of pigmentation

    In addition, many of the rarer skin disorders are also included so as to provide comprehensive coverage of the topic.

    World-leading experts in dermatology follow a clinical approach for each disease, and as well as providing their expert guidance on the description and diagnosis of dermatological disorders, they also discuss common dilemmas that clinicians face when considering the best approach to patient management. ‘Key Points’ accompany each chapter to provide a quick review of the most important points.

    Clinically oriented and practically focused, Evidence-based Dermatology ensures that your treatments are entirely patient-focused and fully supported by the very latest medical evidence.

    Table of Contents

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