Perfect for stand-alone review or as preparation for the USMLE, PRITE in-service, ABPN Part I, and recertification examinations, Kaplan and Sadock’s Study Guide and Self-Examination Review in Psychiatry, 10th Edition, is a comprehensive, authoritative review of the entire field. Written by Drs. Eric R. Williams and Lindsay Moskowitz, this essential review tool contains more than 600 multiple-choice questions and answers, with explanatory discussions of correct and incorrect responses. Also new to this edition are twenty videos and additional corresponding questions.
"This study guide provides a thorough assessment of key topics for students, psychiatry residents, and clinicians seeking recertification. It will be especially helpful to psychiatrists who are either taking their initial examinations or recertification board examinations. The excellent tables, bullet-point lists, and even figures help consolidate key material."
-- Steve Paschos, MD (Rush University Medical Center) Doody's Review - previous version
This title is intended as a useful study guide for medical students, psychiatric physicians, and mental health professionals from all fields, and is specifically designed to help those preparing for the USMLE and the ABPN to test their knowledge in psychiatry as part of their continuing medical education.