Rossi's Principles of Transfusion Medicine

Rossi's Principles of Transfusion Medicine
6th Ed.
2022 © Wiley-Blackwell
Eric A. Gehrie; Toby L. Simon; Jeffrey McCullough; John D. Roback; Edward L. Snyder
ISBN-13: 978-1-119-71975-5
eISBN-13: 978-1-119-71979-3


Transfusion Medicine impacts patients with hematologic, oncologic, and surgical conditions as well as all areas of critical care medicine and multiple areas of chronic care. This book aims to be the single best source for information related to any aspect or application of Transfusion Medicine.

Contributors for the sixth edition have once again been drawn from various scientific, medical, and surgical disciplines. Thus, this book ranges from encouraging and managing donors to collecting and preserving the blood to matching it to the appropriate recipient, all the way to its clinical uses. It also extends these concepts to implantable tissue and regenerative medicine. Other sample topics covered within the work include:

  • • Contemporary issues in donation and transfusion: patient blood management, clinical and technical aspects of blood administration, and donor and patient Hemovigilance
  • • Blood components and derivatives: red blood cell metabolism, preservation, and oxygen delivery, blood groups, and composition of plasma
  • • Apheresis, transplantation, and new therapies: hematopoietic growth factors, therapeutic phlebotomy and cellular apheresis, HLA antigens, alleles, and antibodies
  • • How Transfusion Medicine has been affected by the coronavirus pandemic, the role of pathogen reduction and other modern trends

Doody's Reviews

Doody's Core Titles (DCT)
Specialty Score: 2.7 Health Sciences - Hematology/Oncology
Go to Doody's Review page

Quotes, Reviews or Testimonials

"This is a must-have for any transfusion medicine practitioner."

-- Valerie Ng, PhD MD (Alameda County Medical Center/Highland Hospital) Doody's Review previous edition

"The list of contributing authors includes some of the most well-known experts in different areas of transfusion medicine and its related areas."

-- (European Journal of Haematology, 2010)


The book is intended for transfusion medicine practitioners and students (pathology or laboratory medicine residents, transfusion medicine fellows, clinical hematology fellows). It also would be of interest to any practitioner or student of any field in medicine using transfusion for patient care. Lastly, this would be of interest to nonphysician laboratory personnel, such as practicing clinical laboratory scientists (CLSs), especially those specializing in blood banking, and CLS student trainees.

Table of Contents

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