DSM-5-TR® Made Easy: The Clinician's Guide to Diagnosis

DSM-5-TR® Made Easy: The Clinician's Guide to Diagnosis
1st Ed.
Copyright © 2023 The Guilford Press
James Morrison, MD
ISBN-13: 978-1-4625-5134-7
eISBN-13: 978-1-4625-5137-8
Psychiatry, Diagnosis, Nursing, Social Work


Fully updated for the DSM-5 Text Revision (DSM-5-TR), this trusted guide presents the breadth of DSM diagnoses in an accessible, engaging, and clinically useful format. Master diagnostician James Morrison demystifies the dense DSM-5-TR criteria with more than 130 detailed case vignettes that illustrate typical patient presentations. Succinct descriptions of each disorder, along with many tips, sidebars, tables, and caveats, capture the intricacies of psychiatric symptoms and impairments to make accurate diagnosis cleaner and simpler. For DSM-5-TR, Morrison has incorporated the new diagnosis of prolonged grief disorder, updates to over 70 criteria sets, new and revised ICD-10-CM codes, and vignettes for additional subtypes.

Doody's Reviews

Score: 94/100
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"As with the previous versions of this book, the conversational style allows readers to better digest and put into context diagnostic features of disorders found in the DSM for use in a clinical context. Apart from reviewing clinical criteria, the book walks readers through the process of diagnostic decision making which can be overwhelming, especially for early learners who are becoming familiar with the DSM. Used as a companion to the DSM-5-TR, this text provides a more reader-friendly presentation of information, especially for those less familiar with the DSM."

-- Matthew Koster, DO, MBA (Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services) Doody's Review


The book targets mental health professionals. As all mental health professionals benefit from being familiar with the DSM, this text is a helpful contribution to the field. Those that would benefit most from this text are those less familiar with the DSM, such as learners, or those early in their career. The book does a wonderful job of explaining the clinical criteria and walking the reader through the reasoning behind the diagnosis. Those who are more familiar with the intricacies of the DSM may still find this book a helpful review filled with examples.

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