Decker: Emergency Medicine

Decker: Emergency Medicine
2024 © Decker Intellectual Properties
Shamai A Grossman, MD, MS, FACEP, FAAEM; Daniel J Egan, MD; Calvin A Brown III, MD, FAAEM
Emergency Medicine


Welcome to Decker: Emergency Medicine!

Decker: Emergency Medicine is the only continuously updated online resource specifically for emergency physicians. The topics teach principles and practice for all levels of lifelong learning.

This is an extraordinarily unique educational tool that will be familiar in some ways and unique in others. On the one hand, it is a comprehensive resource in emergency medicine, written by experts in the field and edited by a team of associate editors to create succinct reviews of all the major topics in the emergency medicine specialty. Starting with the initial release of more than half of the resource now, and then continuing with the release of two new reviews bimonthly and then monthly, Decker Intellectual Publishing will eventually have an all-electronic clinical reference and educational tool of more than 140 chapter reviews. Each review will be comprehensive and fully referenced and include the extensive use of images and videos.

Decker: Emergency Medicine's Editor-in-Chief is Dr. David Brown, who is the Chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital and Professor of Emergency Medicine at Harvard Medical School.

Recent Additions/Updates:
• Deep Venous Thrombosis
• Intracerebral Hemorrhage
• Principles of Neurologic Ethics
• Pulmonary Embolism
• Sepsis
• Coma and Disorders of Consciousness
• Headache
• Spine and Spinal Cord Injury
• Type I Diabetes Mellitus

Decker: Emergency Medicine was developed to provide comprehensive and up-to-date medical information. This resource is available online, and is continually updated.

Table of Contents

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